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Junior walker foreigner urgent
Urgent (song)
1981 single by Foreigner
"Urgent" is a song by the British-American rockbandForeigner, and the first single from their album 4 in 1981.
Producer Robert John "Mutt" Lange wanted to hear every music idea guitarist Mick Jones had recorded on tape, no matter how embarrassing.
One of these ideas was the opening riff for what would become "Urgent". “I had the riff starting out," Jones recalled. "And I said, 'That’s like an experimental instrumental thing that I’m working on.’ He said, ‘No, it isn’t anymore – let’s take that one, because that’s got a lot of potential.’ There wasn’t even a song with it.” He also said, “‘Urgent’ … was a bit of a hybrid.
Foreigner urgent lyrics
It was a soul song, really – a quirky kind of rock and soul combination. That album had a bunch of different departures on it from the album that preceded it, Head Games. … It was just like a musical journey.”[2] In fact, "Urgent" was recorded with Mick Jones playing lead and rhythm guitar, in