Irris makler bio
Irris makler bio net worth!
Irris makler bio
Makler, Irris
Born in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia; daughter of Ruth Macklin (an accountant).Education: University of New South Wales, B.A., LL.B.
Agent—Kate Jones, International Creative Management, Oxford House, 76 Oxford St., London W1D 1BS, England.
[email protected].
British Broadcasting Corp., London, England, researcher and producer for BBC-TV, 1988-92; Channel 9 (television network), Australia, producer, 1992; Australian Broadcasting Corp., Sydney, New South Wales, producer and reporter for ABC-TV, 1993-2000, Moscow correspondent, 2000-21; freelance correspondent from Moscow, Russia, 2001-02, and from the Middle East, based in Jerusalem, Israel, 2003—.
Contributor to broadcasts produced by other networks in England, Germany, Ireland, Canada, and the United States, including National Public Radio.
Our Woman in Kabul (biography), Bantam Australia (Milsons Point, New South Wales, Australia), 2003.