Vladimir clavijo telepnev biography channel
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Vladimir Clavijo-Telepnev
Vladimir Clavijo-Telepnev is one of the most renowned modern photographers.
Vladimir clavijo telepnev biography channel
His work is characterized by an astounding mastery of the craft and seeming lucidity of stylistic vision, that make his an unmistakable artistic signature. Every single texture of his arcane aesthetic speaks the language of things yet unsaid and bound to the mystery.
Vladimir Clavijo-Telepnev was born in in Moscow, in the family of creative people.
His father, Pedro Clavijo, was a Columbian journalist and a radio reporter. His grandfather by his father's side, Edmundo Clavijo Cubilios, was a famous Columbia's photograph and artist. His grandfather and grandmother by his mother's side, Vladimir and Margarita Telepnevs, were painters.
In Vladimir graduated from the Moscow Polygraphic Academy, faculty of graphic art, specializing in painting, graphics, and polygraphic design.
His art is a denial of commonness and understanding that only the artistic