Mind your language biography of williams
Mind your language biography of williams college!
Spiritual Poetics – 11 (William Carlos Williams)
William Carlos Williams (1883-1963) – Passport photo, 1921 – from the Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Yale University
Allen Ginsberg continues his 1974 Naropa lectures on “Spiritual Poetics”
AG: So why don’t I get on to a little Williams..
Mind your language biography of williams
Williams’ poems as a commentary to this little book that I just read by Walter Fordham. If anybody’s interested in my poetry, my own practice nearest to that is in a book called EmptyMirror, which is early poems that I wrote, 1946 to 1951.
William Carlos Williams was a doctor who lived in Rutherford, New Jersey and died in 1963. Friend of Ezra Pound, and one of the “Moderns”, so to speak, one of the people in the heroic period of Cubist intellectuality during and after World War I, and one of the first people who broke through to a modern sense of solitude in the presence of national state.
In other words, in the great disillusionment of the