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  • Edie sedgwick biography 60secondpremier

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    Edie Sedgwick

    American actress, fashion model, star of the artistic bohemia of New York
    Date of Birth: 20.04.1943
    Country: USA

    1. Biography of Edie Sedgwick
    2. Early Life and Rise to Fame
    3. Rise and Fall with Andy Warhol
    4. Tragic End

    Biography of Edie Sedgwick

    Edith Minturn Sedgwick, known as Edie Sedgwick, was an American actress, fashion model, and a prominent figure in New York City's artistic bohemian scene.

    Despite her limited talents, her achievements in the ambitious era of the 1960s may elicit a smirk - a few magazine shoots, a handful of underground films that didn't require much acting skill, countless parties, and ultimately, a tragic death at the age of 28 from a drug overdose.

    However, she remains a style icon of the 1960s, a blond with a short haircut, the "it-girl" of the vibrant sixties, embodying the spirit of a revolutionary era.

    Early Life and Rise to Fame

    Edith Minturn Sedgwick was born on April 20, 1943, in Santa Barbara, California, in