Vrijaru seria 10 gor vardanyan biography
Gor vardanyan wikipedia
Gor vardanyan actor!
Gor Vardanyan
Gor (Armen) Vardanyan was born in 1972 in Yerevan. Since 1984 he has been studying karate, which has determined all his life.
He graduated from secondary school in 1989 and the same year he was admitted to Yerevan Architectural Institute, which he graduated in 1994.
Since 1994 Gor has participated in many World and USA competitions and championships and frequently gained prizes.
Vrijaru seria 10 gor vardanyan biography
In 1998 Chuck Norris awarded him a degree of "Master of Black Belt".
His role in promotion of martial arts school in Armenia is hard to overestimate. In 1995 he established "Full Contact Karate" school in Armenia. In 1996 he established "National Full Contact Karate Federtion of Armenia".
Vrijaru seria 10 gor vardanyan biography in hindi
In 1997 he created Professional League of Martial Arts "Full Contact Karate". In 1998 he established International Full Contact Karate Federation (IFCKF). This federation is not only the best school of martial arts in Armenia but also plays crucial role in creation of children's perceptions and values