Sam cooke biography video for students
The Extraordinary Life of Same Cooke: The Kind of Soul...
Black History Month
Sam Cooke rose to prominence from his gospel roots in Mississippi and had the courage to do what no other black music artist had done before.
Sam cooke biography video for students
In 1959 he formed his own music publishing company (Kags) so that he could own the copyrights to his songs. This allowed him to fight back against the music industry that had swindled royalty payments from so many musicians before him.
He also started his own recording label (SRA) in the early 60’s to record and promote a new wave of black musicians.
Two moments standout in Sam Cooke’s life that one could say changed his Trajectory, one as a musician and the other as a Civil Rights leader.
First, Cooke broke from his Gospel roots and the successful group the Soul Stirrers to cross into soul music and appeal to a wider audience. Second, while touring extensively in 1961, Cooke refused to play a show in Memphis at Ellis Auditorium because the audience was due to be segregated.
These moments o